Luxury & Vintage

We are happy to offer you an evaluation service for your bags, scarves and accessories.

We are aware of the symbolic and economic value that these objects can represent for you, so we are committed to providing you with a precise and transparent evaluation.

To request an evaluation, we invite you to contact us through our channels.

It will be sufficient to provide us with some information, such as the brand, model, material and state of conservation.
This way, our experts will be able to analyze your bags and provide you with an estimate of their market value.

Our commitment to transparency and honesty towards our customers allows us to offer a safe and reliable auction experience and we will help you get the best price for your items.

Furthermore, we guarantee maximum confidentiality and security throughout the evaluation process.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information or clarification, we are always at your disposal.

Katiuscia Datteri

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